Macro heaven

The summer has arrived here in the south of Norway, I feel like I`m cutting grass every day 😉

While waiting for the lawnmower battery to recharge I took my fiancés camera out with the macro lens. In the backyard there is a young oak tree that is bussing with life. The wind was not to helpful but I got a couple of shots worth sharing.

Blue bootle fly by Bernt-Inge Madsen on

Stairways to heaven by Bernt-Inge Madsen on

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Instagram 2015

My year on Instagram with the nine most liked images.

Its nice to see that my last image from 2015 actually made it to the top nine list. Much more images to come in 2016.

Happy New Year everyone.

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I attended a seminar on action photography last week and was made aware of the power of Instagram. Earlier I have hesitated to join and have not seen the value in it for me. But now I see the potential in it and will post a new picture daily and showcase some of my images taken on both DSLR and iPhone. I do not use filters on my cameras or in post, I mostly only do adjustments to the curves. I believe you still can do most of the work in camera with experience and good preparation.

Check out my feed so far




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Buen Camino

Two years ago me and my fiancé walked the El Camino de Santiago, we started in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port crossed the Pyrenees on the Napoleon route and walked to Santiago de Compostela. During the trip we used our Canon G12 and ended up with around 1000 pictures. So far only a few has been processed and here are a couple of panoramas taken on Alto del Perdón outside Pamplona.

Windmills and Fog
Alto del Perdon panorama

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Seagull visit

This morning my kid heard some noises outside the window. When we walked over to check these two guys where sitting there hiding from the wind and rain. Probably expecting some food also 😉

Seagull BrothersSeagull Hiding from the windSeagull ScreamingSeagull Talking

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Vacation time

After driving for two days we arrived at my in-laws house, we started out the night with a trip down to the sea and caught a couple of bird shots.
Tjeld - Eurasian Oystercatcher
Tjeld – Eurisian Oystercatcher

MÃ¥ke - Seagull
MÃ¥ke – Seagull

Today we did a small walk along the dock and this guy caught our attention. He was very determined that we needed to focus on him and stay away from his nest. He played hurt for a little while and got really close. So close that I had problems focusing with my 70-200mm.

Sandlo - Common Ringed Plover

Sandlo - Common Ringed Plover
Sandlo - Common Ringed Plover
Sandlo – Common Ringed Plover

All in all a good start for the vacation 😀

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Sparrow Hawk

Just got back from a cabin trip last night and had my family over for a visit. Suddenly my brother spotted a Sparrow Hawk attacking a Fieldfare outside. I ran down to the car and got my camera and got these shots before he was tired of my company. Great experience in my backyard.

Sparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / SpurvehaukSparrow Hawk / Spurvehauk

And a little video before he flew away.

Sparrow Hawk / Spurvehauk from Bernt-Inge Madsen on Vimeo.

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Urban Landscape

Urban Landscape

Urban Landscape, originally uploaded by Bernt-Inge.

Taken early one morning before I left for work. Handheld at ISO 3200 200mm F2.8 and 1/15 sec shutter speed

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